Another Successful Trip 

Northern China Eclipse Trip
July 26th - August 4th, 2008



Day 1 - July 26 Today you depart from your home city to arrive at Shanghai’s Pudong International airport the following day.

Day 2 - July 27 Today you will arrive in Shanghai and will be transferred to our hotel for the night. Dinner will be included at the hotel. This will give you time to catch up from your long flight and adjust to the time difference. Tonight we will stay at the Tongmao Hotel. (D) 
Day 3 - July 28 Today will be all board our flight to Xian. This afternoon we will have visits to the Wild Goose Pagoda (a masterpiece of Buddhist construction built in AD 652, and the Stone Tablets Museum. Tonight we are back at our hotel for dinner. New World Hotel (B,L,D) 

Day 4 - July 29 Today will be visiting the Terracotta Warriors, (one of the most exciting archeological finds in recent history and designated a World Cultural Heritage Site). We will also visit the Qin Tomb and Banpo Museum. Tonight we are back at our hotel dinner. New World Hotel (B,L,D)  

Day 5- July 30 This morning we will visit the Ancient City Wall in Xian. After lunch we will fly from Xian to Dunhuang which is on the edge of the Gobi Desert. This afternoon we will enjoy an afternoon visit to the Mogao Grottoes, one of the greatest repositories of Buddhist art in the world. Dinner will be at our hotel tonight. You will want to make sure and check out the roof top café. The Silk Road Dunhuang Hotel. (B,L,D)

Day 6- July 31 Today will have all day sightseeing in Dunhuang and also visit the Ancient Great Wall outside on Dunhuang. Tonight we will have dinner at the hotel and will enjoy Fred's presentation on eclipses, including predictions about what we will see during the next days eclipse. This is always a highlight of our tours! You won't want to miss tonight! (B,L,D) The Silk Road Dunhuang Hotel.

Day 7- August 1  ECLIPSE DAY! Today will be totally devoted to the total eclipse. We will have a long drive to our preferred eclipse site east of Dunhuang. After our eclipse viewing we are planning on taking a late drive back to the hotel. (B,L,D) The Silk Road Dunhuang Hotel.

First Contact - 18:16:37
Second Contact - 19:13:41
Third Contact - 19:15:21
Fourth Contact - 20:08:24

Day 8- August 2 Today we will enjoy a leisurely morning and then be transferred to the airport for our flight back to Xian. We will visit to the Qian Mausoleum (the Tomb of the first empress in China). We will stay in the China New World Hotel (B,L,D)  

Day 9- August 3 Today we will take a flight back to Shanghai. This afternoon we will visit Yuyuan Garden, Chenhuangmiao Market and Bund. Tonight we will all join together for a farewell dinner and talk over our great adventure in China. Overnight in the Tongmao Hotel (B,L,D) 

Day 10- August 4 Today we depart from Shanghai as we say good-bye to old and new friends and start thinking about our next eclipse adventure. Transfers to the airport included. (B)



With over 20 years of astronomical tour experience Spears Travel has become one of the premier astronomy and eclipse trip providers. Great care is taken with every aspect of the tour to insure your safety and comfort. No surprises!
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Tom Reynolds -
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